The Story of Dokaj Foundation
The main reason we started this, is because we are fortunate enough to be in the situation we are in now. Our parents & brother immigrated from Albania to come to America with full faith in the Lord not knowing what their future looked like. Now, we have a beautiful life. God has given our family many miracles, so we decided to give a few miracles ourselves with our charity. Another reason we started this charity was because we didn’t want kids to lose hope in their own lives. We wanted to help them keep a sentimental value for themselves, faith. We didn’t want them to lose faith in their own lives.

December 4th 1991
The parents of Franko & Joey, Gjovalin & Eva, step foot in America.
“When we were kids, our parents always told us they moved here to give us a better life. I use to overlook that statement when i was younger. The older i become, i take that statement more to heart, seeing how big of an impact our new home made on our family. The foundation is our way of paying it forward for what our new home has given us.

October 20th, 1997
Joey & Franko were born, then the rest was history
“For the record Joey was born first. He is older than Franko by a whole 23 minutes. Every time there is a dispute, this is Joe’s favorite reminder to Frank!”

December 25th, 2015
The idea of Dokaj Foundation was born. This is the first flyer we made for the first toy drive in 2015. We were shooting for a coloring book style flyer, so kids could color the flyer if they wanted.
We bugged one of our friends to make this flyer. We ended up bribing him with a visit to Bailey’s Range for dinner, and stop at Drive In Donuts for an apple fritter. He eventually got the job done 😉

May 15th, 2016
The Dokaj Twins Graduate High School at Christian Brothers College High School, Class of 2016!
“For the record Franko graduated before Joe, on an account of the seating arrangements at graduation. Now Frank reminds Joe who graduated high school first lol!”

June 8th, 2017
Dokaj Foundation became an official 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
“This was an amazing day for my brothers and i. Ill never forget the day our dream became reality. We had some amazing help from our friends & family to make this happen. Without them this would have never worked out. Once again thank you!”

Interested in Making a Contribution?
By donating to the Dokaj Foundation, you provide us with the necessary financial support to meet the most pressing issues facing those we serve. Funding is our greatest challenge in many of the places where we work and your donations make a significant difference.

Have Questions, Feel Free to Reach Out!
Please feel free to reach out, we love hearing your story’s. If there’s anything we can do to help, or you have an idea you would like to share with us, we are all ears.
Give us a day or two to respond, and one of our team members will reach out promptly!